This will be my last installment this month talking about Characters. I have enjoyed sharing a bit of my process and introducing you to my own characters. Check out all of my character posts before you leave. Today, however, I am going to go back to when my own writing career was but a gleam in my eye and what book sparked my desire to do what I am doing today.
It is universal in the book world that any reader or writer has that one book they hold near and dear. They will have it I all formats (I just found out this book comes in hardcover and you can believe I am getting it), if they have an autographed copy that will be the one thing they grab in a fire, and when asked about good books they will repeatedly put this at the top of the list.
Confessions of a Scoundrel by Karen Hawkins to me is a hidden gem

that needs more press. It was that book that solidified what I wanted to accomplish in my own work. The premise is great. It is part of the “Talisman Ring Series”. A group of brothers who have the St. John ring, and whichever brother has the ring will find their true love. In this book poor Brandon St. John is shackled with it. The plot is interesting with murder and deception. All the things that make a plot yummy to me. But what grabbed me in this story and never let me go is the character development.
Lady Verena Westforth is the bell of the demimonde. She is a strong, independent woman. She is also not a chaste virgin. This makes the bedroom scenes much more sensual, because she is aware of what her body wants from our hero once she gets him where she wants him. She is smart and goes along with the notion Brandon has of her to keep him at arm’s length. I loved how Karen Hawkins was able to show the juxtaposition that Verena must live in. She would love to shut Brandon out protecting her heart and her independence. She realizes she needs him to protect her life and her secrets, so she must share that which she protects most from the person who she is most vulnerable to. (seriously, I’m getting goosebumps thinking about it.) In one of the first scenes with the two characters, Brandon presents her with a check for a large sum of money to leave his younger brother alone. Verena tears it up and sprinkles it over his head like confetti. She was the heroine I wanted to create on my own page!
All of the brother’s in the St. John family are amazing in their right, but my favorite by far was Brandon. He had the furthest to fall in my opinion out of all of the brothers. He held himself to a very high esteem and only a character like Verena would be the demise of his hubris. Brandon, with all his ego, was likable though. Everything he did was to protect his family and their name. He was proud of who he was and where he came from and would do what needed to be done to protect that. He was also raised in the cradle of high society, so his eyes are opened when he must leave the comfort of that and see what the world is like for many others. It doesn’t take him long before he realizes his world view may not be as solid as he once thought. His change is magic on the page.
I loved this book so much, I am giving you the Amazon link here to go buy it and let me know what you thought about it after.

If you are a lover of Historical romance none of these names will be new to you, but if they are, go and give them a try. I have spent many hours enjoying the characters and their stories. If you have an author that has done this to you, please share in the comments.
Julia Quinn
Eloisa James
Nicole Jordan
The list goes on. Now, go out and get reading!