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Clair Brett
Mar 30, 2021
My Thoughts on the Mystery Genre
Mysteries. To be honest, when I was younger, I never liked mysteries per se. I compared them to the game of clue, I guess. I think that...

Clair Brett
Mar 23, 2021
Spring! Hope is Alive!
Happy spring! Depending on where you live, spring will have a range from little to no hint spring is in the air, to the world is opening...

Clair Brett
Mar 9, 2021
Story Inspiration-Where Does it Come From?
Inspiration. As writers this word is as loaded as they come. The dreaded question: What was your inspiration for that...

Clair Brett
Jan 5, 2021
2021 Goals
Welcome! Glad you could join the Romance Writers Blog hop this week! And Happy 2021! Whew, we made it, finally! I hope the New Year finds...

Clair Brett
Dec 15, 2020
Decking the Halls at Chateau Brett
Welcome to December 2020! We made it! I’m not sure I have ever looked so forward to a New Year in my life, as many of us. No, I’m not...

Clair Brett
Nov 24, 2020
What I am Most Thankful for in 2020
Happy Thanksgiving week 2020! As so many this year, I have been attempting to stay positive. In doing so, I have started taking the time...

Clair Brett
Nov 10, 2020
For the Love of Holidays
We are talking about the holidays on the Romance Writers Weekly blog hop today. More specifically, we are talking about what we look most...

Clair Brett
Oct 6, 2020
The Great Thing About Rereading Beloved Books
Books, books, and more books! If you were to look at my various TBR piles littering every room in my house, you would think I never have a n

Clair Brett
Aug 25, 2020
Why I Love Blacklist
Since March I have been hold up in my house. To be honest it isn’t as bad as it sounds. I am a full-time writer and work from home. So,...

Clair Brett
Apr 28, 2020
My Writing Space
Welcome to Romance Writers weekly blog hop. This week we are discussing our writing space both physical and existential. Grab your...

Clair Brett
Dec 10, 2019
Christmas Goodies!
Happy holidays! As a trained chef, turned romance writer this is my season. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas is my happy place. I can...

Clair Brett
Nov 5, 2019
My Favorite Playlist for Writing
When I sit down to write I love almost anything instrumental. I can’t have other people’s words floating through my thoughts. I will listen

Clair Brett
Apr 15, 2019
Five Reasons Not to Put off Your Dreams
If you are a parent, then you know making choices about what you pursue is a daily thing. You have responsibilities and you don’t want to le

Clair Brett
Apr 1, 2019
5 Business/Self-Help Book Worth Trying
Wow, where did last month go? That was the fastest March in record. As spring is starting to sprout everyone starts thinking about opening t

Clair Brett
Feb 25, 2019
Nothing Replaces Supportive Families
Every time a publish a new book, or see a milestone in my sales, or any number of other accomplishments, I know how it was possible.

Clair Brett
Feb 10, 2019
A Rainy Day is a Perfect Day.
Yup, there is a name for people like me. No, not that one... The name for people who love and find calm by the rain is Pluviophile. While it

Clair Brett
Feb 3, 2019
The Beach Brings Peace!
love the briny smell you get at low tide that smells like earth, and salt, and sea life. I love the wide patches of uninterrupted sun all da
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